Principal Investigator
Life Sciences (C tower)
Lab: C412
Office (must walk through lab to access): C414A
cmvd [@] uga.edu
Please refer to “members” section for information on joining.
Davison Life Sciences Building
120 Green Street
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602-7223
To find us: There are three towers in Life Sciences, A, B, and C. If you are entering the building from the parking lot side, then the far left tower is C, middle is B, and far right is A. Finding the stairwell in C is not intuitive, so I would suggest entering the middle B tower, and you will immediately see a set of elevators in the lobby. Take an elevator up the fourth flour, as you exit take a right and follow the winding path past the Lewis lab, once you come to the end of the hallway there will be a fork in the road next to a water fountain, take a left to enter the C tower. You will pass some conference/break rooms, continue walking and stay left, on the left you will pass the Dahlstrom lab, and the VanDrisse lab is two doors down at C412.